Art & Design
Early Years
Art is fundamental to learning in the Early Years (Reception classes). Both the indoor classrooms and outdoor area include provision for painting, drawing, chalking, making and designing. We understand the importance of these gross and fine motor movements to the development of early writing as well as the development of artistic skills in themselves.
Every day we provide opportunities for adult-led and child-led creative activities, linked to the story or theme for that week or to an idea that has come from the children’s own interests. Both classrooms have a permanent area for art and design which is always incredibly popular.
Curriculum across the school
At Guildhall Feoffment we have developed our own scheme of work for Art and Design comprising units of work for each year group which provide cross-curriculuar interest to main themes being studied. This way, the children can bring their knowledge from other subjects into their understanding of the art and vice-versa. The units are based on the areas of experience of Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Collage, Textiles and 3D. It is planned to ensure progression and continuity of learning experiences from Reception to Year 6. You will find below the skills progression for art alongside the long term plan for art units across the school. (awaiting update)
Below is the school padlet for Art and Design, so you can see the range of artistic work produced across the year groups.
Extra Curricular Art
We have two after-school art clubs, which cater for a wide range of year groups.