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History of our school

The School opened on Monday 3rd July 1843 as the Guildhall Feoffment Poor Boys School, thirty boys being the first pupils. The school was built on land owned by, and with the money provided by, the Guildhall Feoffment Trust. 

Photos sourced from

c1865. The school from College Street

c1865. The school from Bridewell Lane

The Guildhall Feoffment Trust was founded under the terms of the Will of Jankyn Smythe, a 15th century wealthy merchant of Bury St Edmunds. Since its formation, the Trust has initiated and supported many charitable causes in Bury St Edmunds, and continues to do so to this day. 

In fact, the school still pays rent to the Trust...a princely sum of £2 per year!

Jankyn Smythe. Photo: St. Edmundsbury Museum



School opens as Guildhall Feoffment Poor Boys School, and teaches 30 pupils


The School has now grown to teach 240 boys in the present hall


A major extension is completed to allow the School to provide education for boys and girls up to the age of 14


Upon a re-organisation of schools in Bury St Edmunds, St Mary’s Infant School closed and merges with the Guildhall Feoffment


Internal improvements are made, and the School is re-designed and now teaches children from 4 to 9 years of age


The School celebrates its 150th anniversary


The School celebrates its 170th anniversary


The School becomes a full primary school to include ages 4 to 11 and a new school building is built for the older children


The School celebrates its 180th anniversary